quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

William bonner announces visit to King's College London

Surfing in YT, I found this. Well, I never had seen him speaking any language apart from Portuguese. So just to kill the curiosity you can look it there too. kiss~byebye

segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2010

\o/ I really need to post something...
Well, once one of my english teachers said it would be good to watch to cartoons were the characters are children, because usually they speak slow and they pronounce all the syllables for not being able to fast speed. So, here is a video a a 3y.o. girl explaining Star Wars.
After watching tell me if you agree with my teacher^^
I noticed that she is not able of pronouncing the 'SH' sound, like spaceship, she sais spaceSip. XD It's cute.
3yo girl summarize star wars

quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

Funny music

XD So there is a channel a follow in youtube of a series made by a group called funemployed and they made a song that talk about the nowadays pop songs. The lyrics are easy and funny. And it speaks very well about the actual pop music content. You guys could give a try listening to it! byebye

terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

Forum movie

Well, on the last post, I talked about the forum I would go. It has come and gone and I didn't write anything at all about it.

  In one of the nights there there was a movie we would watch and then talk about it. The name of the movie was: "Invisible Children".
  It shows the way children live in Uganda. The country s taken by a civil war, and the 'rebels'- that are the ones against the government there- abducts children trough the hole country to compose their army. But they abduct the ones between 5 and 12 years old, because they are old and big enough to hold a gun and take back other children with then. The director talked to some of the children that managed to escape from the bushes. They said that there, with the rebels they learned not to cry, Because with they cry, they are showing their weakness, or they miss their home so much that they won't be able to go into battle. So, if they cry they get dead.
  The horrible reality forces them to leave their families and go to refugees buildings under hospitals and so on.
  The adults complain that the government does nothing to stop this situation going on... Others claim that USA should interferes in the country politics and help them, and some complain about the lack of interest the global midia shows about the children abductions in Uganda. One even compare the visibility Israel has with the visibility they have. They claimed for help, and no one offered a hand. They ask for us to spread the word so that they can call attention to their situation and get help.
Here's the link of a site for you guys to know more about it and maybe even help.  http://www.invisiblechildren.com/

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

Internacional Affairs Forum in Brasília - International Cooperation

        Next week I'm going to a event that will be held here in the capital: FOCORI (II Forum Centro-Oeste de Relações Internacionais, in english it means 2nd *Centro-Oeste International Affairs Forum).[*Centro-oeste is the middle east region of Brazil. Its the region where the capital is located.]
        The main topic of this year's forum is : 'Is international cooperation possible?'.
        All activities will be somehow related to the main topic. We'll have groups and presentations about International Conflicts, Environment and International Inequality. There will be a mini course about Enterprise(?) diplomacy and a workshop about ONGs.
        The objective of the forum is to give the chance for the International Affairs students to increase their knowledge about these topics and talk with people that are Ph.d in these subjects. There will be the chance for us to make questions to have a better vision of the possible jobs that are offered for graduated I.A. students.
       The guest that called my attention the most was the Professor of Florida International University Nicholas Onuf. Well, it's not that i know a lot about him- although I have made researches already, it's not enough for me to say anything- It's just that  I got surprised that we'll have a foreigner to give us a speech. Yes, i wasn't expecting even knowing it's a international forum...(And  at the same time I'll be able to test my listening!!!!)
       So, I hope to have a wonderful experience this early September, because I'm sure this event will be of GREAT  importance for my graduation as a hole.
        I'm really sorry for the tiresome way I wrote this post, but I did this way because I just didn't manage to write any different from this XD. It's looking a lot like a composition for me. I'm feeling as if I'm going to imprint it and hand it to Rick(teacher).

Well, bye bye see you next post!

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

First day!!!!

      So finally, the blog everybody in the CAE class was asking for is here XD!!!! \O/

      OK, now, for real: I've finally made the blog so teacher Rick won't be upset for me being the only student aside from the English class blog project ^^. So, I'll update whenever possible with contents of my Friday CAE classes and, as a think I'm supposed to, with things from my routine: music, International Affairs matters (because I'm a university student of IA), books, and so on... And I'm really happy with this idea because, despite the fact I'm not the best writer, i like writing a lot. Well, that's all for now!!!